Parent Who Doesn't Want Their Daughter To Go To Military School

 Hello my loved ones. Welcome to 3-06-2024  Edition on ayoungisedutrend.

Tody we will talking about parent who doesn't want their child to go to school of her choice, because it's military school.

This story is all about being determine, focus, and most importantly know what you are capable of.

In this century, i don't think is necessary for parent to decide for their child of what to do in life. Fine i understand all parent want the best for their child which is normal,every parent does.

Few weeks ago, a mother brought her daughter to our office to do change of institution and registration. i'm sure they would have been discussing about this matter for very long time ago,because the mother said she don't want her to stay at home for this session again, so i felt that was the reason why they deciding to let her go for her choice. i like the fact that the young lady was focus on what she want,she doesn't  let  what her parent are telling her to discourage her. So i ask what institution are you changing to, she said Nigerian Defence Academy (NDA),Unfortunately the school registration was colsed. Her mother was like thank God, but being a determine lady she said which of the military school registration is still going on, i have to help her to search and called some people to ask about any legit military school because i want her to achive her goals. Finally we found one for her which is Air force institute of technology (AFIT) Kaduna , her mother shouted and said that place is too far, who will take her there? And how many days of jurney will it be? The young lady ask her mother back, And said mummy are you the one going there? I can go there by my self all i need from you is your prayer. wow i was so impress in her, her mother said let me call your dad first before we jump into conclution. She called her husband which is the lady father and informed him that institution their daughter change to the location wasn't funny at all, the man said i don't know what is wrong with that girl she is not ready to change her mind set at all, that they should just leave her to do whatever she feel like.Although i totally understand their point of view, i felt they feel like will she be able to face the pains, and the consequences around it.And according to the mother statement,she said the young lady have always wanted to be one of the military woman in nigeria ever since her childhood. I also asked that why is it now that she was about to achive her dream that you want to confuse her? she said my sister is not like that, we are just scard and curious about the outcome. I said ma, lets put everything in God hand.


My Dear Bother's and Sister's Never let any one look down on you, Is not everything your parent want or ask you to do you have to do. Don't get me wrong, i'm not saying you shouldn't listing to your parent but do it in your own way that you wont regreet later. Always stand on your word, i mean the one you know you are capable of, do what makes you happy. Set a goals today, pray about it and take a step... 


Thank you for Reading. we will value it if you share this story to your love ones, And if you’ve any questions, feel free to use the comment box below and we will be pleased to respond as soon as we can. Zainab cares.......

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